Posts tagged ocean house wedding photographer
Rhode Island Ocean House Sunset Beach Engagement

Every time I photograph a new couple, especially those first few moments after meeting, it’s uncomfortable. It’s 10000% normal to not feel instantly at ease being photographed and generally it takes a little while to feel like you can be yourself in front of the camera - I know, even as a photographer I freak out a bit when I’m on the other side. These are all emotions I’m ready for and prepped to guide my couples through to make for a positive and enjoyable experience. But truly, watching Chris and Sarah interact over the course of our time together was beautiful. There were moments when they were focused on each other that I felt like, and *really* hoped, that they had actually forgotten I was there. Chris looks at Sarah in a way that tells the whole world he knows exactly the gift he has in his arms - he’s so full of joy and contentment. And Sarah, well she lights up an entire beach with her smile and her calming and joyful demeanor brings an undeniable peace.

These are the moments and stories I live to photograph.

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